Didcot - 13ft built 1868

Didcot - 13ft built 1868

Didcot - 13ft built 1868
Didcot - 13ft built 1868


Present Location Didcot
Length in feet 13
Built by Heanett & Spinks
Year Built 1868
Type Balanced
Power Hand
Gauge 7ft 0 1/4in
Operating No
Owner Great Western Society
Notes The origins of this turntable are unclear, but in 1868 the Cornwall Railway was asked to do some additional work to the lines on the east side of Devonport’s North Basin. This work was to include a 13ft diameter Heanett & Spinks turntable – it is believed this is the turntable which has been restored for static display at Didcot. The turntable was modified to accept standard-gauge stock at some stage, and set as a fixed through line. The modifications have been removed as part of the restoration work.
Date of Inspection 28/02/2009
Inspected by Nigel Hunt
Photo date 04/05/2013
Photo by Nigel Hunt
Date Record Last Updated 03/03/2014

Photo Nigel Hunt 28/02/2009
Photo Nigel Hunt 28/02/2009

Photo Nigel Hunt 28/08/2010
Photo Nigel Hunt 28/08/2010



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